
Christine Savage Joins NCURA Webinar on Research In-Security

Christine Savage will join the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) faculty as a webinar presenter for “Research (In)security: Preparation for the Elusive Final Rule(s) and the (Im)balance of Agency Implementations” on July 23 at 2:00 p.m.

The webinar, facilitated by both institutional leaders from large research institutions as well as outside counsel and higher education consultants, will cover recent updates from different agencies, as well as key legislative developments, enforcement activity, and their potential implications for our institutions. Through polling mechanisms, audience members will have an opportunity to share about their experiences managing agency requirements and rolling out or modifying various research security program elements. The panel will also discuss common compliance challenges and what steps institutions should consider as they prepare themselves to establish a robust research security program.

For more information about this webinar or to register, please click here.